023 An Annual Love Contract for Your Marriage with Warren and Betsy Talbot
Our guests for this week are Warren and Betsy Talbot. Warren and Betsy have been married for more than 10 years, live in Spain and co-host the popular...

022 The Importance of Learning Your Spouse’s Love Language with Ryan and Cassie Celestain
Our guests for this week are Ryan and Cassie Celestain from the popular lifestyle blog True Agape. They help couples build endurance for their marriages and...

021 How to Carve out Time for Your Spouse and Marriage with Justin Ricklefs
Our guest for this week is Justin Ricklefs. Justin has been married to his beautiful wife Brooke for 12 years, have 5 children, and live in Kansas City, Missouri....

020 The Benefits of Premarital Counseling for Engaged Couples with Paul and Courtney Burton
Our guests for this week are Paul and Courtney Burton. Paul and Courtney have been married a year and a half and live in Lynchburg, Virginia. Paul is Applications...

019 How to Communicate Your Feelings and Emotions with Mark and Marie Oates
Our guests for this week are Mark and Marie Oates. Mark and Marie have been married for over 6 years, have a son, and live in Nashville, Tennessee. They love helping...

018 How to Compromise with Your Spouse with Kimberly Erskine
Our guest for this week is Kimberly Esrkine. Kimberly has been married for more than 3 years and lives in Montana. She is a Nukes Air Force Officer, and one...

017 Dealing with Little Annoyances Before They Build up with Roger Whitney
Our guest for this week is Roger Whitney. Roger has been married for over 24 years to his wonderful wife Shauna, have 2 children, and live in Forth Worth, Texas....

016 Investing in Your Marriage with Jim and Teresa Adams
In this weeks episode, our guests are Jim and Teresa Adams. In this week's episode, our guests are Jim and Teresa Adams. Jim and Teresa have been married for more...

015 Emergency Mode, Our First Year of Marriage Story
In this week's episode, we share our first year of marriage story. Description of First Year in one or two words Emergency mode. Some of the topics we discussed are:...

014 Miscarriage and Long Distance Marriage with Antonio Gerenini and Francesca Di Meglio
In this week's episode, our guests are Antonio Gerenini and Francesca Di Meglio. They have been married for more than 6 years and have a loving 3-year-old...