Fighting Fair in Marriage: How to Fight Fair (Argue) With Your Spouse Using 10 Healthy Tips
Fighting or arguing with your spouse is one of those inevitable things you will experience in marriage. And considering every marriage is unique, fighting fair in marriage has a different meaning for every couple. For us, it's arguing verbally and respectfully with a...
Trust in Marriage: How to Build or Rebuild Trust with Your Spouse (3 Proven Steps)
You see, trust in marriage can be built and made stronger over time. Even after trust has been broken, if both spouses work together, it can be rebuilt using these three proven steps: transparency, consistency, and effective communication, even when it may be...
When Two Become One in Marriage: A Different Approach
Traditionally, after the officiant presents the couple as husband and wife, they are thrust into this new relationship dynamic of two becoming one. But what does it really mean for two individuals to become one in marriage? Does it mean both individuals must mold...
Surviving the First Year of Marriage: 25 Tips for Newlyweds (Bride and Groom)
Surviving the first year of marriage is a great accomplishment. Simply because of the marriage adjustments you and your spouse will go through as a newly married couple. Everyone likes to assume that wedded bliss and honeymoon phase lasts forever. In truth, adjusting...
Appreciating Your Spouse: 10 Unique Things You Can Do Today
Appreciating your spouse is one of the important and beneficial things you can do for your marriage. Why? Appreciating your spouse can help you fight off resentment, aid you in not taking them for granted, and change your overall mindset to one of gratitude. There are...
Patience in Marriage: 6 Practical Tips You Can Implement Today
From our experience, patience in marriage is essential for your relationship to thrive. So much so, that we believe it's one of the important marriage skills every couple needs to learn and practice on a daily basis. Because without patience how can you listen...
11 Tips for Creating a Peaceful Home Environment for Your Marriage
Helping married couples, especially newlyweds, to create a peaceful marriage, home and family is what inspired us to create this website. From our experience, living in a stress-free home environment, where everyone is free to express themselves with respect is...
Growing Together in Marriage
Growing together in marriage is necessary for a lasting, happy, successful, and healthy marriage. As part of our family goals for every new year, we read at least one book together. What we read. We enjoy reading books that will help us learn, improve our life, and...
How to Talk to Your Spouse About Money (Without Fighting)
Talking about money with your spouse can be intimidating for many of us, especially when your views about it are so different. However, agreeing about money; from earning to spending to saving and investing with your spouse is critical to having the healthy, happy,...
Our Best Marriage Lesson From the First Year
Like many couples, little did we know we would learn so much about married life during our first year of marriage. However, there's one lesson that has been essential in building a strong foundation for our marriage. So today, we are going to share that vital lesson...