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How to write a love letter to your husband wife spouse thank you

Do you want to learn how to write a love letter to your husband or wife? If yes, then this article is for you.

You’ll learn how to write a romantic love letter that your spouse will love, even if you don’t know where to start. Plus a great resource for romantic love letter templates.

As you already know, love letters can make a great gift for your spouse at any time of the year. We have even used a love letter as a Christmas and Anniversary gift more than once, especially when money was tight.

So we truly understand just how much of an impact those written words can mean. In addition, you can easily communicate with your spouse through a love letter.

Why should you learn how to write a love letter to your husband or wife?

Receiving a love letter from your spouse can be a surprise because many people choose to not handwrite their feelings to each other on paper anymore these days.

Expressing your feelings in this unique way always helps to keep the romance and emotional connection alive in your relationship.

In addition, penning your thoughts into words to express your feelings about your husband or wife will become a treasure to be read over and over; many years down the road.

Writing a love letter for your husband or wife is a different and special way to express your feelings. Plus your love letter that can last forever, if properly preserved in a safe place.

How to write a love letter to your husband or wife in 10 simple steps

Wondering about how to start a love letter, and complete it? Just follow the steps below.

1. Why do you want to write a love letter to your husband or wife?

Figure out why you want to write a love letter for your spouse? What message are you trying to convey to him or her?

Is this a special occasion such as Christmas, remembering an anniversary, celebrating a birthday, trying to enhance the connection because you are apart, or are you having some problems getting your feelings across?

Do you just want to let your spouse know how much you love and appreciate him or her, and everything they do?

2. Write your ideas down, think about what you love about him or her.

What do they contribute to your life? What are you thankful for about them or what they do?

Make a sincere and genuine list.

3. Create a format or structure for the love letter.

Do you want to start out by making him/her laugh? Reminisce about the hard time you have had before moving onto your triumphs together?

Or start by appreciating and thanking him or her for all that they do? Which will be first, second, third, etc?

One format you can consider is writing about the past, then get into the present, and end with the future.

4. Address your spouse in a special and sweet way.

Start by using “Dearest husband/wife, Dear husband/wife, My love, Dear….” get the idea? Be sure to add the date. In the top right corner across from your “Dear…”

Keeping the date on the letter can help you appreciate when it was written over the years when your husband or wife looks back.

If you write more than one letter, it can be fun to compare how they changed throughout your years together.

Things that were most important to you one year, may not be the next. It can be fun to look back and remember the moments recorded on the letters.

Now, state why you are writing the letter. Then move on to the format that you previously selected.

Whether it is choosing to praise spouse and telling them why you love him/her, how they make you feel, or wherever you chose to start.

5. Move on the rest of the sections in your love letter format.

Take time writing each one. Make sure what you write is coming from the heart.

Remember the best love letter will make your husband or wife laugh, cry, and appreciate all your efforts falling more in love with you.

6. End your love letter with a memorable tone.

Always end by recalling one of your favorite memories together, and then how you look forward to sharing many more memories together.

Write the first draft and take a break. If you come up with any other ideas, make notes. Take a few days or a week if needed before you write everything down you want to say.

If you are not constrained by time, put the letter away for a week or two. Then come back to it to read and make any necessary corrections before sending it.

7. The salutation should be romantic.

End with a hopeful and inspiring statement.

This is where a quote could help you out, or a simple, “I look forward to spending the rest of our lives together with you,” statement.

8. Add your best romantic sign off to the letter.

Sign off with something personal and sweet.

For example, you can use one of the following romantic sign-offs: Yours forever, love always, forever yours, your loving husband/wife, your sexy husband/wife, etc. Then sign your name.

9. Proofread your romantic love letter.

Read the letter aloud. Make sure to correct any mistakes.

When you are ready, write the final draft. It doesn’t matter if you choose special stationery because what is going to matter most is the words you put on the page.

Choosing a decorative background on the paper can definitely add that extra something if you choose.

Remember to date and sign the letter.

10. Send your spouse the beautiful love letter you wrote.

Whether you choose to hand it to them, send it in the mail, or place it somewhere you know they will find it; like their dresser, car, lunch, bathroom, etc.

Romantic love letter templates, writing prompts, and more.

If you want done-for-you love letter templates, checklists, and writing prompts check out Romance the Write Way.

It’s a proven step-by-step program that will help you write your first romantic love letter in 15 minutes or less, and without stress.

The fill-in-the-blank love letter templates are easy to use and have been used by many couples to successfully write romantic love letters.

Click here to check out Romance the Write Way.

Tips for writing a love letter to your spouse.

» Write in a quiet, calm, and relaxing place. Make sure distractions are put away.

» Write when you are in the mood. If you are distracted, tired or just not in the right mind frame either wait until you are.

You can also do something to get you there like playing music that would help, looking at your old pictures, or reading the great things you have journaled or written down about your times together.

» If you are stuck and not able to come up with ideas think of it this way: if today was your last day, what would you want your spouse to know?

Make a list (in order of importance) of the things pertaining to how you feel about your spouse. What do you love and appreciate about them?

» Be positive always.

This letter should be encouraging, so if you talk about the hard times, make sure you include examples of the good times and your triumphs.

» Add inspiring marriage quotes where needed, if you believe it will complement the contents of your letter. Google is a great place to look for quotes about anything and everything.

» Don’t worry about making the letter sound romantic and perfect. Just be genuine. Let your words come from within, your heart. Forced romance, is not romantic.

» Don’t worry about length.

As long as you are speaking of your love and appreciation from the heart, your spouse will love it. Even if it is just a paragraph long.

A short love letter to your husband or wife will brighten their day.

» Let it be a surprise.

Don’t let your spouse know you are working on it so it will be that much more of a surprise unless you both are planning on writing this letter to exchange as a gift for a special occasion.

» Think about why your wife or husband needs a short and sweet love letter from you?

Apply the steps to write different types of letters for your spouse

The steps we shared can be applied to writing different types of letters, the main change will be the content of the letter.

So instead of it being a love letter, all you have to do is change the intent to what you want. Below are letters you can write with the steps will be:

» Letters about your marriage or marriage problems to your spouse.

» Letters to save your marriage, or after a fight. E.g. a letter to my husband about our relationship or a let’s talk to your wife about a difficult conversation.

» A letter about improving your marriage.

» A wedding day, birthday, valentines day, anniversary, or Christmas letter to your husband or wife.

» A thank you, appreciation, love notes, encouragement, or an apology letter.

This list could go on and on. Hopefully, you get the idea.

Final thoughts

Writing the perfect love letter will take time and practice. Don’t give up after your first try.

You can even make it a monthly, quarterly, or yearly ritual for your marriage. Love letters can be a great symbol of your love and appreciation for your spouse.

Now, pick a pen and paper to begin writing your love letter for your husband or wife and have fun doing it!

Oh, and don’t forget to check out Romance the Write Way for amazing and personalized love letter templates.

Your turn

Have you written a love letter to your husband or wife before?

What was his or her response? We would love to know how your spouse responded to your love letter.

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