004 How to Adjust to Married Life as Newlyweds with Marcus and Ashley Kusi
As a newlywed, adjusting to married life and to each other will not be easy, but its necessary for your marriage to succeed. In this episode, we share tips on how to adjust...

003 Take Action in Your Marriage with Tony and Alisa Dilorenzo
In this episode, Tony and Alisa DiLorenzo share their first year of marriage story. They have been married for more than 18 years, have 2 beautiful kids, and live in San...

002 How to Use Personal Accountability to Become a Better Spouse with Nick Pavlidis
In today's episode, Nick Pavlidis shared his first year marriage experience with us. Nick is a writer, speaker, coach, and a lawyer. He has been married for over 6 years to...

001 An Introduction for The First Year Marriage Show Podcast
Welcome to the first episode of the First Year Marriage Show. In this episode, we share a brief description of the podcast and the reason why we decided to start this...

Resolving Conflict In Marriage: How To Resolve Conflicts With Your Spouse Peacefully
Resolving conflict in marriage is not easy. But it can be done. Do you remember the last time you argued with your spouse about which TV show to watch, whether the toilet seat should stay up or down, or how to fold the laundry? These conflicts are...

Sexual Intimacy in Marriage: How to Improve, Strengthen, and Become More Intimate With Your Spouse
Let's be honest, sexual intimacy in marriage is one of the biggest issues couples either struggle with or find very challenging. And unaddressed, could easily lead to sexual problems, growing apart, and more conflicts in your relationship. So in...

Fighting Over Money in Marriage: How to Stop Your Money Fights With 9 Simple Tips
Fighting over money is not healthy for any marriage! Did you know that married couples who have learned how to prevent, or stop arguing over their finances are also able to communicate better? They are also able to talk about how to spend their...

Keeping Score In Marriage: 7 Tips To Help You Not Keep Score
Are you keeping score in your marriage? If you are, stop! You might be keeping scores in your head, or written them down on a hidden piece of paper somewhere, or on your phone. Keeping score in your marriage will not only make you feel miserable...

Friendship In Marriage: How To Become Best Friends With Your Spouse
Friendship in marriage builds intimacy and helps married couples to open up to their insecurities without worrying about being judged. In a marriage where the couples are or eventually become best friends, the marriage blossoms. Does your spouse...

Is Marriage The End Of Your Life?
"Once you get married, your life is over." You might have heard this old doom and gloom statement before. But is it really true? Is marriage the end of your life? It all depends on the way you and your spouse decide to look at it, and if you do the...