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Gratitude journaling prompts ideas for couples

When it comes to relationships, gratitude journaling is an amazing way to keep track of how much you appreciate and love your partner. It’s even better when you and your partner practice gratitude journaling together.

So, if you are looking for gratitude journaling prompts for couples, we are going to share 9 inspiring gratitude journaling ideas from our book, Our Gratitude Journal: 52 Weeks of Love, Mindfulness, and Appreciation for Couples, with you.

These prompts will help you easily write all the things you are grateful for your partner. Also, we will share how to practice gratitude in your relationship, and with your spouse.

But first, here are the benefits of gratitude journaling.

Benefits of gratitude journaling for couples

From our experience, expressing gratitude is one of the best ways to instantly show how grateful you are for your spouse.

Gratitude journaling will help you to:

Changes a negative mindset into a more positive one, by simply focusing your energy on looking for the good in many situations.

Appreciate the person you have committed to spending the rest of your life with because you will see how important your partner is to you.

Sleep better, increase happiness, and reduce stress in your relationship.

Have more empathy for your partner.

Notice, be aware and mindful of your spouse’s efforts, and intentions.

Strengthen and enhance intimacy in your relationship.

Record all the wonderful things you are grateful for your spouse.

Now, let’s get into the gratitude writing prompts.

Expressing gratitude is one of the best ways to instantly show how grateful you are for your spouse.Click To Tweet

9 Gratitude journaling prompts for couples

Use the inspiring gratitude prompts below to make your gratitude journaling easier.

What is something your partner did that:

1. You are thankful or grateful for.

Listened to your excitements or frustrations.

Were patient when you would have lost it.

Supported and encouraged your decision(s).

Cared for you due to sickness.

Made you feel safe to be emotionally vulnerable.

Asked for your opinion on something.

Cooked a meal or packed lunch for you.

Gave you a nice back, head, neck, shoulder, or full body massage.

Had a deep conversation about your relationship, or opened up to you.

2. Made you feel appreciated.

A compromise.

A difficult conversation that improved your relationship.

Something he/she did but would not normally do (like an activity you love but your partner may not).

Was honest and sincere even when it hurt.

Gave you alone time.

Remembered something important for you.

Did something you forgot to do (like a chore).

Apologized to you.

3. Made you feel loved.

A passionate hug.

The amazing and satisfying sex you had.

Achieved a bucket list goal with you.

Exercised with you.

Thanked you for the little and big things.

Complimented you.

Called or texted just to see how you are doing.

Sent you something that shows he/she was thinking of you.

4. You were happily surprised by.

A good morning note.

A sexy text message.

An unexpected gift (like flowers).

Waking up to a very clean house.

5. You truly enjoyed.

Something they did for no reason.

A parenting moment that you were awed by.

A love letter.

A family event you attended.

Another event you attended together.

An engaging and fun conversation you had.

6. Made you feel special or smile.

Praised you in front of other people.

Cherished something you did for him/her.

Stood up for you.

7. You learned from.

A new skill.

A quicker way to do something.

His/her optimism.

A mindset shift.

Discovered something about yourself.

Let go of a fear.

Dealt with emotions, stress, insecurities, etc.

8. Made things easier for you.

Helped with home life, household chores, and/or errands.

Purchased something that added value to your lives.

Got rid of something you dislike.

Noticed when you were overwhelmed, tired or exhausted, and did something to help you feel better.

9. You want to recognize.

Graduated from school.

Got a job promotion or pay raise.

Volunteered his/her time and/or money.

How to practice gratitude journaling without your spouse

The sad truth is this:

Your spouse might not be interested in practicing gratitude journaling with you. However, that shouldn’t discourage you from journaling how thankful you are for him/her.

Gratitude journaling is a straightforward, yet meaningful activity you can do with or without your partner. Infact, it will change your mindset, your relationship will also benefit from you doing it.

The simplest and easiest way to practice gratitude journaling is by writing ONE thing you are grateful for your spouse every day, or weekly, in a gratitude journal, diary, or notebook, for as long as you want.

Ideally, you want to do this activity for at least 30 consecutive days, or 90 days if you want to develop it into a daily habit. The more consistent you are, the easier it will be.

How to practice gratitude journaling together

First, sit down with your partner and tell them how much you appreciate them. So much so that you want to improve your relationship by completing a gratitude journaling challenge together.

Together, choose how long you want your gratitude journaling challenge to be, and whether it will be a daily or weekly gratitude activity.

For us, it’s a weekly activity we do as a couple to show our appreciation for each other, enhance intimacy, and strengthen our marriage.

A gratitude journal for couples

Considering gratitude journaling is now one of the things we do as a couple to strengthen our relationship, we created Our Gratitude Journal, to make it easier for couples (including us) to record everything they are thankful for each other on a weekly basis.

Watch the video below to see what this gratitude journal looks like.

As you can see from the video above, it’s a shared journal for couples to complete together. All you have to do is fill in the sections for each week.

Also, there are gratitude journaling prompts and gratitude quotes that will help you both to reflect more on what you were grateful for the week.

Click here to get your copy of this gratitude journal for couples today.

An alternative to using a gratitude journal

When it comes to journaling, we know it can be a challenge for some people. You might even want to see and feel things in a more visual way, which is okay.

Because there is no right or wrong way to record what you (and your partner) are grateful for.

You can easily use something more visual like this cute gratitude jar to keep track of your gratitude.

That way, you can place it where ever you want to see it, without worrying about it being damaged.

Final thoughts

Gratitude journaling will positively impact your life, marriage, and change your view about your relationship. It could even transform your relationship and take it to a new level.

Start small. Look for the little things your partner does that you are thankful for today. Then send your spouse a gratitude note, referencing the little thing you observed and how grateful you are for them.

We hope this article has inspired you to cultivate an attitude of gratitude for your life and relationship.

Your turn

What are you grateful for your spouse?

Do you have a gratitude journal or gratitude jar for keeping track of everything you appreciate about your partner?

How do you express gratitude to your spouse?


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Image courtesy Easton Oliver

9 Gratitude Journaling Prompts for Couples: Inspiring Ideas to Make Your Journaling Easier