As you know, there are a lot of good board, dice, and card games couples can play together. But which ones are the best for two players especially, married couples?
Which one can truly make you laugh, connect with each other, and improve romance in your marriage? How about leading to a happy ending in the bedroom?
Below, you will find the best board, card, and dice games to try for your next game or date night.
Start with one of the sections below, then choose the game you will both love. And play it together.
Best naughty (sex) board, card, and dice games for couples
Best two-person player board, card, and dice games for couples
Best adult party board, card, and dice games for couples
Best fun family night board, card, and dice games
Best naughty (sex) board, card, and dice games for couples
Let’s skip the nice and go straight to the naughty. Want to spice up your sex life with amazing and extra steamy foreplay that leads to satisfying sex you will both never forget?
These are the best sex games for couples. If you are eager to have some one-on-one fun, play while you are naked in your room.
1. Upscale sex dice game/toy for adult couples

Oh, so many options. This naughty dice game for couples comes with 4 dice, each with a different function:
• 6-sided die for body parts
• 10-sided die for actions
• 2 12-sided dice for positions
So basically, the possibilities are just about endless.

2. Sex Stack
A little bit like Jenga, but also NOT AT ALL LIKE JENGA.
Ok, it starts like Jenga, but every time you pull a numbered block from the stack, there’s a corresponding number on the cards and… that’s when the non-Jenga-ish part begins. Enjoy.
3. Sexy Truth or Dare: Pick-A-Stick

Remember when you used to play truth-or-dare at your middle school sleepovers?
I’m pretty sure it wasn’t anything like this. The naughty game contains 50 double-sided sticks. One side for a truth and the other side for a dare.
Either way, you really can’t go wrong.

Roll the dice, pick a card, and see where it takes you.
This game is a winner because it lets you dip your toes in before taking the plunge since there are three levels of play:
• Intimate: for those who want to take it slow and romantic
• Passionate: a little more intense
• Steamy: enough said.
5. Strip Bedroom Blackjack – Adult Card Game For Couples

With this game, you may want to take your time getting to 21. And after the clothes are all gone, there’s more fun stuff to do.
Plus you can adapt these cards to play lots of other games, too. Suddenly, Go Fish seems a lot more interesting…
This card game also comes with a “Let’s Talk About Sex” question card to liven things up even more.

6. Strip or Tease – Adult Board Game For Couples

Not sure you have an inner stripper?
No worries, this game comes with His and Her Strip Tips to help you perfect the art of the striptease. First person naked loses… before both players win big.

7. XXXopoly – Adult Board Games
Yes, you’ve played Monopoly before… This is a little bit different. As you make your way around the board, you’ll find yourself doing things you wouldn’t normally do, but enjoying it.
A fun way to stimulate intimacy and connection with your spouse, this sex board game won’t disappoint.
As the name implies, this game is a way of affirming your relationship with your spouse while taking your relationship to places it hasn’t been before.
But the level of play varies according to each player’s consent to the instructions on the cards, so nothing will happen without consent.

9. Copulus Embrace, Board and Card Game
Focusing on the emotional as well as the physical side of sex, this board and card game is also played at varying levels.
It just depends on what aspect of your relationship you want to work on. But the goal of each level is the same:
• To bring you closer to your spouse
• To enjoy heightened intimacy and fun
10. Spicy Dice

This game has a dice not only for what you do but for where you do it.
The idea is pretty simple, but the adventurous couple will find it interesting, fun, and romantic. And who knows where you’ll end up.

As you already know, intimacy plays a huge role in a relationship. So get one of the sex games for couples above and have fun with your spouse.
Just remember, you are playing this game with your spouse, so keep the sexual intimacy between you and your spouse.
Don’t include a third person or other people when you both decide to play a sexy game together.
Best two-person player board, card, and dice games for couples
Most of these games are designed for two players, but some can be expanded to include friends if you want. Try them out just the two of you to start.
1. Discovery Game for Married Couples

Unlike some board games for couples where the intended result is clear from the beginning (ahem: SEX), this game is different.
The end result isn’t necessarily sex (though that may happen!) but – as the name implies – discovery.
Getting to know your spouse more deeply than you do now. And that discovery will look different for every couple who plays it, every time they play it. Now that’s exciting.

2. Table Topics
This card game for couples includes hundreds of conversation-starting questions. The questions are meant not only to entertain but to inspire couples to connect again.
Some of the questions are serious, while others are more light-hearted, and some downright deep.
3. The Gottman Couples Retreat Board Game

So this game combines the fun of those board games you played when you were a kid – an interesting premise and an elaborate board, but with simple rules and lots of interaction.
Plus, this board game for couples has the added benefit of being based on years of research by respected psychologists and therapists. What a neat way to strengthen your marriage.

4. Monopoly: The Walking Dead (Survival Edition)

Love comics? Love zombies? Love imagining how you’re going to survive the apocalypse together?
Based on the original monopoly board game, this “Walking Dead” version takes “survival of the fittest” to a whole new level.
No more dog-eat-dog – it’s a zombie-eat-brain world now.

Ready to be whisked away to medieval France? This board game for couples is no princess-castle-happily-ever-after royal ball.
This is a primitive survival strategy that requires you to plot a scheme and maneuver your way to prosperity on the backs of those less fortunate.
For married couples who enjoy strategy and estate-building, this board game is a fun way to spend time together.

Talk about intense: the premise of this game is a worldwide outbreak of four infectious diseases, and the players are responsible for stemming the tide of a disease threatening to eliminate the entire human population.
This board game is not for the faint-of-heart but definitely is for couples who bond through extreme life-or-death situations.

This time we’re in the south of France, which is totally different – but still no fairy princess stuff.
The goal is to develop agriculture and infrastructure throughout the region, jockeying with other players for power and wealth.
Again, if you love schemes, this board game will be a hit.

Imagine you’re on a mysterious island, home to four sacred treasures that can control the core elements of the earth, but as you start collecting the treasures, the island starts to sink.
What do you do?
This board game is one of those games where teamwork is essential. You have to work with your spouse to complete the mission and escape the island. What an adventure to go on together.
9. Forbidden Desert Board Game
In this board game, winning requires teamwork, creativity, and more than a little daring. The goal is to escape the desert while surviving sandstorms and the relentless desert heat.
A cool way to bring couples together, this game is the sequel to the wildly popular Forbidden Island board game.
10. Power Grid
The goal of this strategy board game is to be the player supplying power to the greatest number of cities.
A game like this is for an experienced group of game players because without dice to roll, that means there’s no chance involved; it all comes down to strategy.

11. Mancala
This game is a total classic!
Kids and adults around the world have been playing this game for decades. It’s a simple strategy game, but watch out, because it’s kind of addictive.
12. Chess

So we all know about chess, one of the best games of all time. Some of us even know how to play chess. Some of us are even awesome at it and will jump at the chance to play.
This is a very nice, standard set and it even comes with a tray with elastic straps for storing the pieces. Plus, it folds up to go with you anywhere.

Gamers have been playing Parcheesi for over a hundred years, and it just doesn’t get old.
This edition of the game is particularly appealing to the more nostalgic of players because it’s modeled after the classic version that was popular so many decades ago.
It’s a fast-paced, fun time for everyone.
14. Ticket To Ride
Train travel the way it used to be – in the old days, in the black and white movies, in Europe – is so sexy, isn’t it?
This board game puts you on a cross-country train trip a la “Around the World in 80 Days,” but the trick this time is to see who can travel to the most cities in one week.
Winner gets $1 million! Not for real, though – you just get the glory of victory, which is JUST AS GOOD.
15. Scrabble Deluxe Wooden Edition with Rotating Game Board

This board game I longed for as a kid (that’s “long” with 5 o’s!).
The deluxe edition is perfect: the tiles fit perfectly in the raised grids, and they rest so elegantly in their real wood tile racks.
And the game board even rotates so you don’t have to twist your head trying to figure out if you can make the word “quizzical” in that triple-word-score space. Ok, maybe I’m still longing for this game.

16. Classic Upwords Board Game
Like scrabble, but better (if that’s possible).
Because you don’t just make words with existing letters; you build them. Words on top of words. It’s the ultimate creative-wordsmithing game.
Plus, the higher the stack of letters gets, the more point value they have, so there’s something to get the math kids excited, too.
17. Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Game
Somehow, some genius made a board game out of the Sherlock Holmes mysteries.
Players become detectives scouring London for clues to dreadful crimes, solving mysteries, and best of all, attempting to defeat Holmes himself.
This game is great for:
• Honing deductive reasoning skills
• Developing analytical & logical abilities
• Putting your brain to work
You can also play this game with up to 7 friends, or (in an interesting, Holmesian twist) all by yourself.
18. Trivial Pursuit

Everybody has that one friend who is super smart and brags about how they are awesome at Trivial Pursuit.
But the beauty of the game is the categories because the person who can kick your tail at arts & literature probably sucks at sports & leisure.
This game is a classic, and invariably it is the person who thinks they don’t know anything who comes through in the clutch – every time.

We all know pandas are endangered. But how would you feel if one of them was depending on you to survive?
This board game for couples raises the stakes by tasking you with caring for the pet panda of a Japanese emperor, a gift from imperial China.
The cool thing about this board game is that, while it does involve strategy, it’s an easy entry for couples who’ve never tried this kind of game before.
Kids and adults can also play and have a great time.

The premise behind this game is so creative.
Players take the role of Renaissance-era jewelry makers, which is a surprisingly gritty pursuit involving:
• Treacherous gem mines
• Difficult transportation
• Discriminating nobles
The question is, are you clever enough to acquire, design, and sell those jewels?

21. Twilight Struggle Deluxe Edition
This game is like Cold War-era Risk, putting players right in the middle of the dangerous and tenuous relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union, but the scope of the game encompasses the whole world.
This game is just for two players, which makes it a great and fun game for couples to play together.
22. Survive Escape From Atlantis 30th Anniversary Edition
Remember Atlantis? Of course, you don’t, because it sank into the sea centuries ago.
Ok, so there probably was never a real-life Atlantis, but in this game, you can pretend you were there.
As the island sinks, players scurry to get their people to safety while simultaneously steering clear of frightening sea monsters. Sounds like a cozy evening, eh?

Hmm…. Kittens, explosions, laser beams, and goats. Sounds awesome.
Not only is this game fun, fast-paced, and hilarious, it made history by becoming the most-backed Kickstarter project ever.
I’m not sure where the goats come in, though.

24. Rack-O

You’ll love this fast-paced card game where you try to position 10 cards in sequential order. The premise is simple, but the execution can be tricky.
But this game has been entertaining folks for decades, and it’s an easy and fun to spend time with someone special.

This card game for couples is one you play over the long haul, so it’s totally different than the other couples games you’ve played before.
The game infuses relationships with life by giving couples one action to perform each week, something to show your partner how much you care.
And you’ll be on the receiving end of those action steps too. A sweet way to invest time and love into your marriage.
26. Five Crown

The premise here is essentially rummy with 5 suits: spades, clubs, diamonds, hearts, and stars.
Yes, stars. The pace is fast, and the wild card changes with every hand, as does the number of cards per hand. If you like rummy, this fun game is worth a try.
You can play just the two of you or invite over a few friends.

27. AEG Love Letter
Many suitors battling to send a love letter to a princess locked away in a tower… No, I’m not talking about the next Disney princess movie.
This is a card game with a twist. Each card features one character in the milieu of folks battling for the favor of a soon-to-be monarch, and each character comes with instructions that can make or break the player for that round.
It’s treacherous out there, people. This card game captures the tension perfectly.

28. Jaipur
This game takes us around the world to India, where we’re competing for camels. It’s no joke.
Camels are big business, and you have to use all your business sense to figure out when to buy, trade, or cash in to become the best darn camel merchant in town.
It’s a fun game of strategy and risk for your next date night, staycation, or weekend away trip.
29. Rivals for Catan
Now that Catan has been settled (points if you get the reference to the classic “Settlers of Catan” board game), somebody’s got to rule it.
And this town isn’t big enough for the both of you – the both of you playing the game, that is.
Designed for two players, Rivals of Catan will have you searching for gold, defending your settlements, and jockeying for power. Who knows, you might even become the prince.

30. Dominion
Come on, haven’t you secretly always wanted to build your own dominion? Here’s your chance!
This game sets you up as a monarch eager to increase his holdings, just as several other area rulers (a.k.a., the other players) start flexing their muscles and claiming land for themselves.
Who will get the lion’s share? Play the game and find out. Unlike some more complex strategy games, this one can be played through in about half an hour.

Everybody loves to play Monopoly, but who has that much time?
Hence the beauty of this Monopoly card game: it’s fast-paced and goes from start to finish in about 15 minutes. Some genius thought of this.
This is another card game based on rummy, so you’re trying to collect cards in sets – either all the same number or in numerical runs.
But there are 10 phases of the game (hence, the name) where you’re looking for a specific kind of set.
No player can win until they finish all 10 of the phases. So you can start this one feeling behind, but keep on playing and you might catch up.
33. Uno
Ah, Uno. What adult in America doesn’t have fond memories of playing Uno?
I used to play with my brother on long car trips in the summer (obviously this way back before the advent of cars that played those magical things called DVDs).
If you need a nostalgic break or just some good old-fashioned fun, Uno has no rival.
34. Brybelly Wooden 3 Track Cribbage Board with Free Deck of Cards
I know cribbage sounds like a game your grandmother used to play with her friends… that’s because it was a game your grandmother liked to play with her friends. But back in the day when your grandmother was cool.
And actually, cribbage is super-fun.
There are lots of moving parts (cards, pegs, and points), but once you get the hang of it, cribbage is a great game for two players or even more.

Tenzi, if you haven’t played before, is a game in which each player is trying to get the same number to come up on all 10 (yes, I said T-E-N) of their dice.
But this card pack is literally a game changer because every card features a different goal for your dice (e.g., all 1s and 2s).
Make sure you order dice when you order the card pack, they’re sold separately.

36. Android Netrunner: The Card Game
This two-person card game for couples is set in a dark cyber-future, and each player assumes a role with his or her own agenda and way to win.
The trick is to pursue your own winning strategy while at the same time preventing your opponent from pursuing his.
Mix all that in with the futuristic, cyber-punk theme, and you’ve got a fun game night ready to go.

The premise is so simple, and yet so addictive: stack the blocks up and then pull them out one at a time without toppling the tower.
This is the classic Jenga we all know and love. And when that tower inevitably comes crashing down, it’s always a good laugh!

38. Magnetic Roll-up Dart Board and Bullseye Game w/ Darts
There’s something about an old dart board that has a hint of danger…. Is it because in the movies the tough-looking guys are always playing darts at the bar?
No, it’s because the point of the game is to send flesh-piercing trajectories flying through the air at top speeds.
But now with this game, you get all the fun of darts without any of the trips to the emergency room. Because it’s MAGNETIC. Seriously GENIUS.
39. Big Boggle
This is a fun take on an old favorite.
“Big Boggle” is exactly as the name describes: the grid is bigger, there are more cubes, and you can make longer, more interesting words in the same amount of time.
This is the perfect two-person game for couples to play together. Go on, impress each other with your vocabulary.

40. Hive Carbon

We’re still trying to capture the queen bee here, but this time we’re doing it “Carbon” style.
This two-person game for couples is remarkably similar to chess, except that the playing board is built as you go, adding and moving pieces according to the set rules.
You’re always guessing what your opponent is going to do next, but above all protect that queen bee!

These are super high-quality dominos and jumbo-sized to boot.
The classic domino colors: cream and black combo make the dots stand out so they’re easy to see. Plus they come in a nice case so you can keep them all together. For a retro night in, these are your go-to.
42. Cardinal Mexican Train Domino Game with Aluminum Case

Dominoes with a twist. There are so many different versions of this classic game you can play with two or more friends.
The bright colors and train markers are fun to play with, and it all comes in a cool aluminum case to keep everything sorted.

43. Better Me – Game of Growth: Self Improvement w/ Family & Friends, Relationships & Positive Thinking
If you are looking for a self-improvement board game for couples, then Better Me is certainly one your should check out.

This card game for couples is fun, easy to play, and challenging.
In addition, its a game for couples looking to connect with each other intellectually. Just make sure you have a dictionary before you start playing.
Best adult party board, card, and dice games for couples
Invite your friends over to try out these games. A lot of them would work fine with a multi-generational crowd, but some of them you definitely should reserve for the over-18 yet pre-retired set.
1. Sequence Tin
I think this is one of those games that’s so fun because it seems brainless, until you realize it isn’t and you’re totally sucked into it.
You’re not only trying to build your own sequence, you’re trying to block your opponents, so you’re always trying to stay two steps ahead of everyone else.
This game comes in a nice tin, too, so you can keep it all together.
2. 7 Wonders
If you play this at your next party, someone there is going to straight up rule the ancient world by the time y’all are done.
Each player commands one of seven great cities, and the goal is to make your city into an economic powerhouse with its very own ancient wonder.
Playing time is a big winner with this strategy game: you can play an entire round in about 30 minutes.
3. Telestrations After Dark Board Game
Like telephone with pictures and a distinct adult twist.
All the words on the cards are to be drawn in pictures, and these words are decidedly adult in nature, so no kids allowed.
But invariably, hilarity WILL ensue. Your friends will thank you for this one, then they’ll ask you when they can come over and play again.
4. Draw What
You want to invite some friends over for a nice, classy night of board games and adult beverages… then you bust out Draw What and suddenly it all devolves into a loud, raucous free-for-all – and you can’t wait to play it again.
Draw What is a distinctly adult Pictionary-esque game that will have you laughing like kids.
This is a trivia game for the rest of us – that is, the folks who can remember very little from our 10th-grade world history classes.
Here’s the beauty of it: you don’t actually have to know anything to win. You just have to guess and bet big. The party edition works great with big groups of friends.
6. A Game of Thrones: The Board Game Second Edition
You’ve seen the TV show, you may (not ) have read the book, now you can play the board game. Which of you or your friends will claim the throne, and how?
There are lots of ways to win, and no single skill set will get you there. Pretty cool that now Game of Thrones is an actual game, right?

7. The Walking Dead Risk: Survival Edition
In this new take on the classic game Risk, players are fighting off zombie attacks while simultaneously fighting other players for supplies and resources to stay alive.
The same detailed plotting of Risk combines with the creepy undead element to make for a lot of fun on your game night.
Someone somewhere has taken it upon themselves to develop a “grown-up” game of Apples to Apples.
There are black cards and there are white cards. The black cards have questions, the white cards have answers. The answer the judge likes best wins the white card.
But the cards are… shall we say… just a tad bit irreverent? And therefore: HILARIOUS. Play responsibly, please.
9. That’s What She Said Game – The Party Game of Twisted Innuendos
Players choose white cards to match the judge’s red card, and the result is beyond entertaining, though we should reiterate: this game is for the 18 and older crowd.
Except you might not want to play with your grandparents either, because… that would be awkward for sure.
10. Spouse-ology
It’s like getting together to play “The Newlywed Game” with your friends, minus Bob Eubanks.
You try to guess how your spouse would answer questions in different categories, then you get points for whoever gets the most answers right.
Wouldn’t it be fun to see if your spouse really “gets” you?
Points for originality!
You’re trying to come up with the most original responses in each category before time runs out – but the answers all have to start with the same letter.
You can do it, and you’ll have a good time hearing the crazy answers your friends come up with, too.

12. Balderdash
This is a game for the actors among you to shine.
Literally, you have to put on your game face, because you’re bluffing your way through the whole time. You don’t have to know anything, you just have to look like you do.
Roll the dice and count up your score: simple and mildly addictive.
This edition of Farkel comes with 6 sets of colored dice, plus matching dice cups, and it all fits in a cool red tin box.
14. Smart Ass
Finally, a trivia game that doesn’t make you want to smash your head into the wall when you realize you’ve been playing for 19 hours and there’s STILL no team even close to winning.
No waiting for turns with this trivia game.
If you know it, shout out the answer; get the points, move on. You’re done in half an hour and your friends will congratulate you on your impatience.

15. Say Anything
This is the game where you SHOULD say the first thing that pops into your head.
You’ll get to know friends and family who play this game with you. Because you’ll hear their answers to interesting and funny questions.

16. Taboo Board Game
The point is to get your teammates to shout out a secret word, but you can’t use any obviously related words as clues.
This board game has long been a personal favorite of mine, and some of my friends’ oldest inside jokes came from ridiculous and unforgettable guesses in a game of Taboo.

17. Mad Gab

An oldie but a goodie. This one has made me laugh HARD a lot of times.
It’s hilarious to hear your friends repeating the same phrase over and over again yet have no idea what they’re actually saying.

18. Intervention – A Party Game for Everyone’s Worst Habits
Now you can say what you really think about your friends with total anonymity.
You and your friends will have a ball answering semi-personal questions about each other, but beware: the questions are definitely of the “adult” variety. Hence the “adult” party game category…

Ok, the point of this game is to be raunchy. Seriously, topics advertised include things like:
• Bodily functions
• Recreational drugs
• Genital slang
So basically they’re not holding anything back, and it will not be tame. If this game is up to your alley, you should buy it. Thank you and you’re welcome.
Best fun family night board, card, and dice games
These are the games you want to break out after the homework is all done, after dinner and the dishes are put away.
Instead of everybody zoning out in front of the TV for a few hours before bed, why not play a family game together?
Ah, the old pie in the face gag. Really just never gets old, does it?
Now it’s a game you can play with your family. If you get whipped cream smashed into your face, rest assured it will make their decade. Come on, it’s for the kids.
We’ve all been playing it since middle school, and it’s still funny.
Kids will have fun laughing at how bad mom and dad are at drawing, and it might even help them to laugh at themselves a little, too.

This game is a classic board game if ever there was one.
It’s like chutes and ladders, but with malicious intent, which makes it way more fun. It should really be called, “Sorry, Not Sorry!”

Miss Scarlet, in the conservatory, with the wrench! Somebody killed Mr. Boddy, and the answer is different every time.
You’ll have fun introducing the next generation to this classic “whodunit” mystery game.
5. Better Me
The tagline is “The Game of Growth” because playing this game will help you grow into the person you’ve always wanted to be.
The object is personal fulfillment, but the game has real-world applications. It won’t just build you up personally, but it will build stronger relationships with your family and friends as you play.
Why should only one person get to act out the charade?
If the whole team acts it out while one team member guesses, it’s that much crazier and that much more fun. Kids (and grown-up kids) will love the energy and laughter that will ensue.
7. Monopoly
Perhaps it goes without saying, but I’ll say it: this game belongs in every home in America. Buy, sell, and trade real estate and build your empire
There are so many real-world applications that make Monopoly an awesome teaching tool for kids, too.
8. Blokus Game

There is one rule: every tile you put on the board has to be touching another tile of the same color.
Not only are you trying to get all 21 of your pieces in play, you’re also trying to block your opponents. Simple, but strategic.

9. Recreational Board Game Vinyl Backgammon Set

This classic game now has a classy, updated but still vintage look.
And the whole thing even folds up into a portable case that looks like an old-timey suitcase. This is a nice, basic set for introducing a new player to the game.

10. Peaceable Kingdom Race to the Treasure! Award Winning Cooperative Game for Kids
The point of a cooperative game is that it builds:
• Teamwork & shared decision-making
• Problem-solving
• Non-stressful community rather than competition
In this game, the players work together by building a path to the treasure before the bad ogre can find it.
Kids will overcome obstacles and work towards a happy outcome for everybody – except for the ogre, that is.

11. Jumbo Sequence Box Edition
This edition is the same as the original Sequence game, but the board and the pieces are a lot bigger.
This is a nice change from the original, as it allows kids to get to know the game layout a little quicker, not to mention it’s helpful for those older players whose eyes aren’t quite what they used to be….
12. Spontaneous
If you’re like me, you have a song floating around in your head all the time, and it’s all you can do to keep it to yourself.
With this game, you don’t have to! One player says a trigger word, and the other players compete to see who can sing out a song lyric with that word in it. And as the tagline says, “Talent Not Required!”
13. Double Ditto Family Party Award-Winning Board Game
Almost like a reverse Scattergories, the object of this game is not originality but getting “dittos” – you want to have the same answers as the other players to rack up points.
And it’s not considering cheating if you play with your spouse (even though you know his answers to almost everything).
14. Blink
If you don’t have time for complicated, strategically played card games, you should try Blink.
Literally, if you blink you might miss it. It’s a fast-paced matching game you play to test and hone your reaction time.
15. Skip-Bo
This card game is kind of like Uno, and your kids will enjoy playing it as young as age 7.
The point is to build stacks of cards in sequence, and you want to be the first player to play all your cards. Wildcards will keep you on your toes.

16. 5 Second Rule – Just Spit it Out!

Can you name three army generals in 5 seconds? How about three Beach Boys songs?
It’s not as easy as it sounds. But if you can spit it out fast enough, you’ll be the winner. With this deal, you’ll get two copies of the game – one to give and one to keep.

17. Grandpa Beck’s Cover Your Assets
How fast can you make a million dollars?
In this game, you collect assets like gold, jewels, and cars, and then you’re protecting them even from being stolen as you’re trying to steal assets from other players. The first one to $1 million wins.
18. SET: The Family Game of Visual Perception
SET is the kind of game parents and teachers love because kids play it and don’t even know they’re learning stuff.
As kids learn to recognize SETs, they are building pattern recognition and spatial reasoning skills. Who knew a board game could be so good for your brain?
19. Yahtzee

I never played Yahtzee when I was a kid, but I think if I had I might have been better at math. You roll the dice and you try to maximize points with each roll.
First released in 1956, this game has been enticing people for decades.

The questions in this version of the game are purposefully geared towards adults and kids playing together, unlike the adult version of the game.
But the premise is the same: everybody has a chance to answer a question, and the responses may surprise you.
21. Bananagrams
Kind of like Scrabble on speed, there are no turns in this game. You just spell for all you’re worth, and the first one to use all their tiles ends the game by shouting “Bananas!”
Then and then only then are you allowed to slow down and actually count up scores. Then you play again.

22. Rummikub – The Original Rummy Tile Game
I’ll admit, my family has spent more than one beach vacation spending too much time inside because we can’t stop playing Rummikub.
It’s one of those games the adults and kids can play together, and nobody seems to get tired of it.
23. Twister

Nothing brings people closer than Twister… quite literally.
Yes, it’s awkward and embarrassing, and you may have bad memories from when you played mass twister that one time in college, but in general, kids love it and it’s a family favorite.
Plus, I think it counts as exercise.

Final thoughts
From our experience, playing a great game together will spice up things in your marriage, spark some serious bonding time, and can also be a ton of good clean fun (or dirty fun, if you prefer). 🙂
Whether you are looking for a game for two, date nights, travel, anniversary, holidays like Christmas, New Year’s Eve or Valentines Day, these games will help you maximize your fun with the people you love.
With so many choices for your next game night, we’re sure you have picked a winner from our list of the best games for couples. Have fun and enjoy your game(s) together.
Your turn
What is your favorite board, card, or dice game for couples?
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Image via Storkman