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dreaming together

Dreaming together as a couple can be the one of the exciting and uplifting conversations you can have with your spouse!

Dreaming of your future family, future career move, house, or your goals can even help lift some of the present day stresses away.

Dreaming together is a big thing for us.

When we came together to dream about our future while Marcus was going to school full time, and working. When Ash was taking care of the babies at home, it gave us something to connect over. Dreaming together helped us take a little mental vacation from our everyday stresses and give us something to look forward to; something to strive for.

As we hit our goals, we create new ones to keep us moving forward together.

When was the last time you dreamed together as a couple?

Dreaming and even planning certain things about our future goals has relieved some of the over all stress by keeping the end in sight.

Don’t be afraid to get detailed about your dreams. Create Pinterest boards, or spreadsheets, or whatever visual aids will help keep you motivated.

Dreaming like this together, about our common goal, has brought smiles, and a new level of conversation for us.

It’s something we can get excited about together, talk, and plan. (One of my favorite things to do! -Ashley)

By dreaming together, our conversations and communication have improved, adding a new spark to our marriage.

Dreaming with your husband or wife could also do the same for your marriage.

We would encourage you to bring this up next time you sit down to have a conversation and spend time together with your spouse. Don’t be afraid to dream big!

Are you sharing your dreams together as a couple?

When a married couple dreams together, the two are taking great steps to truly become one.

Dreaming together is also another way for growing and connecting with your spouse.

Dreaming should not be only for the new year! It should be for your marriage and future 365 days a year.

The 5 tips below will help you in creating your dream together as a married couple.

1. Find a common goal. What do you each want? Where do those goals intersect? . Listen to each others dreams.

2. Create a joint plan for your dreams. Let your dreams be vivid and use images when possible.

Write it down and plan it. By writing your plans together, you will better understand and visualize your thoughts.

Dreaming alone will not get you there alone, you will need to plan to make it real. Without a plan, it will be very difficult to make your dreams a reality.

3.Communicate. This is the most important part, so we’ll say it again. Talk about WHY you want this goal, WHY it is important to you. HOW can you achieve it?

4. Review your plan periodically to check on your progress and make adjustments if necessary.

5. Take the necessary steps to start executing the plan for your dreams. without action, your goals will only ever be a dream.

Your dreams need your actions to become real. Start dreaming together with your spouse today.

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” Hellen Keller

Your turn:

What goals do you and your spouse have that is a little ways, or even far away that you could dream together as a couple today?

Can a married couple grow apart if they are dreaming together?

Image courtesy Debspoons /