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Marcus and Ashley Kusi

021 How to Carve out Time for Your Spouse and Marriage with Justin Ricklefs

Marcus and Ashley Kusi         Marcus and Ashley Kusi        
021 How to Carve out Time for Your Spouse and Marriage with Justin Ricklefs           021 How to Carve out Time for Your Spouse and Marriage with Justin Ricklefs          
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    Our guest for this week is Justin Ricklefs.

    Justin has been married to his beautiful wife Brooke for 12 years, have 5 children, and live in Kansas City, Missouri.

    Justin works as a Sales Executive with a technology company and loves photography.

    Carving Out Time For Your Marriage

    Description of  First Year in one or two words

    Fire Hydrant. 

    Some of the topics we discussed are:

    1. Adjusting to married life while in college.

    2. Making sacrifices for your marriage, and talking about your unspoken marriage expectations.

    3. Looking out for your spouse.

    4. How to deal with the Holidays without neglecting your spouse.

    5. What to do when things do not go as planned.

    6. Carving out time to spend with your spouse.

    7. Asking for forgiveness.

    How to Listen to this episode

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    Marcus and Ashley Kusi

    021 How to Carve out Time for Your Spouse and Marriage with Justin Ricklefs

    Marcus and Ashley Kusi         Marcus and Ashley Kusi        
    021 How to Carve out Time for Your Spouse and Marriage with Justin Ricklefs           021 How to Carve out Time for Your Spouse and Marriage with Justin Ricklefs          
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      Marriage Resources Mentioned

      Learning from other couples.

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      Enjoy your marriage, enjoy your life!

      P.S. Need help with your marriage? Click here.