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Marcus and Ashley Kusi

029 Getting out of Student Loans with Mike and Monica Louie

Marcus and Ashley Kusi         Marcus and Ashley Kusi        
029 Getting out of Student Loans with Mike and Monica Louie           029 Getting out of Student Loans with Mike and Monica Louie          
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    This week’s episode features Mike and Monica Louie’s  First Year Story.

    Mike and Monica live in Vancouver, Washington, have two energetic kids, and have been married for five and a half years.

    Mike is a law enforcement officer and Monica blogs at where she helps people take control of their money so they can pay off debt and work toward true financial freedom.

    Getting Out of Student Loans with Mike and Monica Louie

    Description of  First Year in one or two words

    Mike: Adventurous.

    Monica: Exciting.

    Some of the topics we discussed are:

    1. Communicating face to face with your spouse.

    2. Learning each other’s habit.

    3. Talking calmly with your spouse.

    4. How to deal with the loss of a family member.

    5. Getting out of credit card debt.

    6. Working together as a team on your finances.

    How to Listen to this episode

    Click on the Play button below:

    Marcus and Ashley Kusi

    029 Getting out of Student Loans with Mike and Monica Louie

    Marcus and Ashley Kusi         Marcus and Ashley Kusi        
    029 Getting out of Student Loans with Mike and Monica Louie           029 Getting out of Student Loans with Mike and Monica Louie          
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      Marriage Resources Mentioned

      The Total Money Makeover

      Financial Peace University

      Love and Respect

      The Five Love Languages

      Contact Links




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      Enjoy your marriage, enjoy your life!

      P.S. Need help with your marriage? Click here.